The Cotton Club

The Cotton Club was opened by a White “gangster”, Owney Madden, who seeked to create a place for people to show off their talents and enjoy themselves. The Cotton Club was established during the time of prohibition. This led the guests to sneak alcoholic beverages into the club illegally. In the club, you were able to order several types of dishes and Hors d’oeuvres. Some of the dishes served included, barbecued ribs and fried chicken. Many African American artists, actors/actresses, and dancers such as Ethel Waters, Clayton Bates, Duke Ellington, and Cab Calloway performed at the Cotton Club. At this time, only whites were allowed to enter the club. Eventually, Duke Ellington was able to persuade others to all African Americans to enter the Cotton Club as well. Although the Cotton Club did not begin as a way to allow African Americans to embrace their talents and express themselves, it ended up that way. The Cotton Club was one of the first “hangout” places where many Americans loved to attend for entertainment, but there were numerous of places where people attended in order to entertain themselves. One of these particular places were parties held bya well known guy by the name of Carl Van Vechtan.

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